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Snow Removal Tips

Snow Removal Tips

The winter season is officially in full swing, meaning the hours spent freeing your driveways and walkways of snow and ice are just around the corner. How much time you spend outside and the type of equipment you use to remove snow often depends on where you live, but the process can be made easier no matter your location with the right snow blower and snow removal techniques.

Here are a few tips to improve your snow removal routine, so you can keep those heavy foot traffic areas snow-free with ease.

Use the Right Equipment

Being familiar with your yard and the snowfall patterns in your area will help you choose the right snow blower for the job - especially if you're purchasing a snow blower for the first time. While three-stage snow blowers like the Vortex 2490 Snow Blower are best for extremely heavy, wet snow and larger clearing areas, two-stage throwers like the Storm 2410 Snow Blower are better suited for medium to large cleanup jobs that consist of heavy snow. But if your area typically receives light snow accumulation, a single-stage thrower like the Squall 2100 can accomplish the task. When it comes to shoveling small, tight areas like your porch and steps, keep in mind packed snow is harder to move, so try to shovel as frequently as possible. Invest in a wide shaped pusher shovel with an aluminum blade to remove snow that has frozen to the pavement.

Mark Your Driveway

Since it can be difficult to gauge where certain areas of your yard begin and end after a heavy snowfall, it's not uncommon for areas of your lawn and even your plants to become damaged from snow removal. To help protect your yard and keep your snow blower on track, it's best to line the edges of your driveway and walkways with reflector stakes before the first major snowfall. The stakes serve as guides when using your snow blower and help safeguard nearby grass, plants and hedge roots. Lining your driveway also helps professional snow plow trucks that are unfamiliar with the landscape from uprooting your grass and plant beds.

Snow Removal Placement

During the snow removal process, be sure to pay attention to where the excess snow is piling up. Make a conscious effort to keep snow from building up on the sides and foundation walls of your home. When the snow melts, it can refreeze and cause existing cracks to widen, allowing water to seep into the walls of your home. It's also important to prevent water damage and wood from rotting. 

Always make sure the end of your driveway is as clear as possible to reduce buildup when snow plows clear your street.