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Sustainable Gardening Benefits and Tips

Sustainable Gardening Benefits and Tips

Sustainable gardening allows your garden to live and thrive in a healthy setting as these techniques benefit your plants and reduce the chance of negative impact on the environment. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, there are several practices that can help you maintain a sustainable garden this season.
Organic Gardening

Avoid using chemicals such as petrochemical pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides. Allow your garden to rely on nature for its nutrients, utilize beneficial insects, and thrive on homemade compost.


Using mulch will help your soil retain moisture and protect your plants from extreme temperatures. Mulch can be made from materials such as straw, wood chips, leaves, grass clippings, nut shells and more. This is also a good way to recycle unwanted materials.

Integrated Pest Management

Control unwanted pests with Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Maintain a healthy and naturally balanced garden by planting a companion plant that will attract beneficial insects or create a homemade, natural pesticide.


Buy or even build your own worm farm to live in your garden. Earthworms are beneficial to gardening in that they produce vermicasts, a byproduct that attracts beneficial bacteria and fungi to the soil. The liquid from the worm farm, known as worm wee, accumulates and serves as an added bonus in the garden.

Save Seeds

Collect dried seeds from annual flowers and plants as they seed at the end of their season, and store them in a safe, dry place during winter. The following spring, sow the collected seeds in your garden. This is a great way to save money and recycle your favorite plants.